Starting Afresh

For me, ‘knowing someone’ is to have met them in person. Yet, in this world of ‘everything online’ I need to know who my target audience is – and discover you – you are here in an online meeting place, reading my post. I have begun my journey into writing, once again. And I welcome my readers.

Looking for further inspiration and clarity about kick-starting my writing, I ask a friend or two about creating a fresh online presence and appreciate their insights which spur me on.

One is a writer with an established readership. She is a brilliant writer: raw, vulnerable, authentic. She has published her story. I take inspiration from her over regular meetups. We keep each other on our toes with our writing. Messages fly back and forth with a measure of excitement – ‘I’ve posted my blog’…  ‘I’ve written 500 words (or more)’ and we smile. I sense that while she is well established in her writing, (Google ranks her website and blog highly for her consistency), encouragement is always of mutual benefit. Sometimes I think it swings in my favour, yet she is always there. Meet Maureen here.

Making new friends later in life

Now, true to my “about me” page, there-in lies one of life’s diamonds. She is always there. I know I can count on my friend to encourage me with my writing and with my life in general. It takes courage and guts to reach out and make new friends later in life. And we are both doing just that. Our 15 year age difference works a treat. Wisdom from someone who has lived through some of the obstacles I am facing in life and in writing, while somehow, whatever I am doing is encouragement for my dear friend.

Discovering New Friends

Equally beneficial is another friend who is navigating the challenging field of writing, self-publishing and is looking to traditional publishing for her novel. With her wonderful inspirational quotes and following on social media, frequent catch up chats in person and online are mutually supportive. We met later in life as well. Our friendship began when we both attended the same writer’s retreat. At the time, she owned a store in my local community and I popped in one day, to arrange travel plans to attend the retreat. From tentative beginnings to raw authenticity, there’s not much we don’t talk about. Again there’s 15 years difference in our ages. This time I am the older person. You can meet Michelle here.


Family offers unique opportunities for growth, wisdom and inspiration. With encouragement from my brother who is two years younger, I know I have an external source to my intended audience. Someone who is simply there as a voice of encouragement. Invaluable in itself. We explore every topic under the sun, and find much more in common than our mutual heritage.

Key people appear in one’s life when they are needed. It might seem that they are stumbled across. I believe we’re given the right people at the right time for whatever we need. It’s just a matter of listening, learning and heeding – doing that which is intended to carry us forward on our path in order to nurture who we truly are, both individually and collectively.   

I’ve made a fresh new start. The day draws to a close.
Karratha, WA

5 Replies to “Starting Afresh”

  1. Having found you via my blogging friend Maureen Helen, I thought I’d pop across to say hello.

    Good for you for starting a blog; building up a following and a blogging community is a slow process that we’ve all gone through.

    You don’t appear to have activated the Like button on your site and I can’t find the Follow button either.

  2. Well done, Susan. I’ve been looking out for and forward to your new blog, and it is good. I look forward to reading more in the near future.

    Thank you for the mention. I, too, enjoy our frequent meetups and other interactions and feel enervated and inspired by your industry and perceptive comments.

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