Recently, I re-read what I’d hoped to achieve almost 4 years ago. As with most ideas, plans or goals, some were achieved, others put on the back burner, others long since forgotten.
Interestingly, what has transpired is a focus on spiritual growth which is now a conscious path of learning and unlearning, of being present, of being mindful.
My revised goals for 2023 are to –
1. Continue to deepen my spiritual growth.
- Some of the ways I find helpful are reading, attending local events and giving myself ample time alone to process what I am learning.
Books I’ve read to teach me spiritual truths include –
- Eckhart Tolle’s Stillness Speaks; The Power of Now; and A New Earth.
- Thich Nhat Hanh’s The Miracle of Mindfulness, a quaint booklet of immeasurable insights into meditation. A simple learning is understanding that meditation is also known in western society as mindfulness.
2. Maintain a Gratitude Journal
- A simple entry of one item a day is sufficient. However, I find the toastmaster’s approach to speech evaluations useful –
- two-three positives;
- a couple of areas “I could do better by…” (with a suggested ‘how to’, even if it’s simply bringing awareness to what may need to change as the Divine will open doors that lead the way.)
- Concluding with another positive or two which refocuses the mind.
- I find noting both what I am grateful for and what I can improve, especially at the end of the day, opens doors to possibilities being opened up while I sleep. Sometimes answers are given in the morning, other times, down the track. I may only become aware of the shift when looking back.
3. Share Time with family
- My grandchildren are growing up! Two are already young adults! My youngest turns four this year. One of my strongest values is being there for family: time spent with them and with their parents is invaluable. I aim to uphold this in simple ways – sharing a meal together; childminding; chatting over an evening drink and fun outings.
4. Write
I feel like saying the corny thing, It would be a ‘novel’ idea if I stuck to my writing plan! Yeah, I know, boom, boom.
- This year I kick-started writing again. Check my About page for further insights.
- I aim to continue with my blogging; sorting and writing family stories, writing poetry and self- publishing inspirational verse on social media. You can read my Instagram posts here.
5. Family History
Inherited from my mother and my own research, I’ve a great deal of family history waiting to be written up. (Four dozen 50 litre crates worth of paperwork to be precise: old letters, birth, death and marriage certificates, tin plate photographs amongst the myriad of formal and informal family snapshots; articles and items of memorabilia!)
- My primary audience will be family; however, some will find its way to publication for interested parties. As my family history stems back to pioneering days in Western Australia, there’s a great deal of scope for integrating the beauty, trials and tribulations of earlier times. One such post can be read here.
6. Work with a mentor
I find working with a mentor immeasurably rewarding. Being gently held with encouragement for those times I struggle to keep up with my writing plans, my mentor is a gem. Consistency is key, and I have a brilliant example in Maureen. Her blog, her novel, her short stories, our regular catch ups over coffee are invaluable to me. She has set a high bar with her blog, How to be Eighty, which Google ranks highly.
7. Holidays
- In the last few years I’ve focussed on caring for others and took brief breaks. Now it is time for a treat – an actual holiday! To that end, I’ve planned my first trip overseas in some time, incorporating a spiritual retreat. I’ll no doubt keep a journal and have a zillion photos to manage! Check out future posts!
8. Health
- Following on from an intense focus on my personal health in the past year, I aim to continue the new measures introduced:
- Exploring new recipes that support a balanced diet is a must-do.
- Finding simple do-at-home exercises that become part of my daily routine is a great exercise in itself!
9. Self Education
- I value life-long learning. Taking up programs that enable spiritual and personal growth, I also find insights and skills I can share with others. Social interactions are often based around small groups or with individuals I encounter in these programs.
10. Social Interaction
- Meeting new people is high on my list this year. I am focusing on finding like-minded, supportive groups and individuals with whom I find mutual support for my writing and for my personal and spiritual growth. I have joined a few groups based on my education programs and enjoy outings to lovely local places such King’s Park. We meet over meals breakfast, morning tea, lunch or dinner! Often new-found acquaintances lead to sharing an event such as a comedy show or a musical.
- Spreading my social wings is something I am keen to continue throughout the year. I am sure my trips and travels will offer abundant opportunities.
11. Enjoy my photography
- Take lots of photos. This is a no-brainer! I always take photos! This year I’ll focus on my trips and travels.
- I’ve a life-time’s worth I’m currently sorting and utilizing in my posts, as well as for family.
- I’ve heaps of photos in my stash of family history to sort and share.
12. Read
- For the first time in several years, I am once again reading. Apart from the above I have a list that includes –
- The Resilience Shield by Dr Dan Pronk, Ben Pronk & Tim Curtis
- Deepak Chopra: Abundance by Deepak Chopra
- Shannon Meyerkot: Brilliant Minds by Shannon Meyerkot
- The Storyteller By Dave Grohl
- The Power of Awakening by Dr Wayne W. Dyer
- The Elevate Bundle by Benjamin J Harvey
A busy, few months are ahead!
In conclusion, I’m sure there’s at least 23 different opportunities to fulfill in the remainder of the year! I am sure I will achieve most of them! Anything that does happen to fall by the wayside is clearly either not meant to be, or will find itself on the following year’s list. After all, time and calendars are really only concepts of convenience! Reality is timeless.
How is your your year turning out?
I’d love to hear how your 2023 is panning out. Please leave a comment below and let me know something that has been a highlight for you.
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