Finding the truth of who we are
We are indeed fortunate to have access to people who can guide, lead, show the way to the truth of who we are. Whether directly, in person, at retreats, via social media, or through books – there are so many ways that can lead us to the truth of who we truly are. Vibrant energetic beings, in a world that is shimmering with hope as more and more people find their way to their true self.
Insights gained from spiritual teachers significantly changed my life. I traveled to Canada to take part in a retreat offered by Eckhart Tolle. This changed the way I approach life. I wrote about here.
I took part in local workshops with a healer in our own community. Books that lead me to deeper understandings are one of the most valuable ways I learn.
And the learning continues. It is never static.
A peak into The Younger Self Letters
Reading this anthology showed me there’s so much to learn from our younger selves. Most of the time it’s a challenging path, but it is rewarded with insights into who we truly are, sprinkled with increasing joy and loads of love for the person we have become and the person we can become.
…an anthology of inspiring stories
When you start reading an anthology, there’s no golden rule about the order in which to read the stories. With that in mind I turn the pages of The Younger Self Letters to Anandi Sano’s story and read her story addressed to Little One. Why did her story capture my interest?
My mind flicks back in time to when I first heard Anandi use the name, Little One. In her imaginary children’s story, The Gentle Dragon, she gently transports the listener to a place of calm and peace, and finally to sleep. Its magic always quietens my very active granddaughter as she relates the story she now knows by heart, and when done, asks for the recording to complete its magic and lull her to sleep. But I’ve sidetracked. Back to the letters.
Anandi Sano and her younger self, Little One. Image credit: Anandi Sano and here
…the letters
Although I heard Anandi’s story at retreats and workshops, reading about how she advised her younger self to manage her adult life added deeply moving insights. So often we think we can do better. We wish for a different path in life, a life free of trauma and of health issues. Anandi’s story is utterly inspirational – she draws upon her intense spiritual awakening and path to healing self through peiec energy medicine, and how she continues to rise to the challenge of sharing with the world what she has learned so others can benefit from her experiences and divine transmission of energy.
Some responses to Anandi’s unique story –
I just finished reading your chapter … and the energy that emanates from it is something next level! The soft gentle embrace from the words has created so many shifts for me that I feel like I have had a beautiful healing. … So much resonates. Thank you for sharing this with the world. It brings me so much joy to know that these words bring love, hope, joy and healing. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the book, too. (Tiana)
Finished reading your chapter, cried, did my layers, released life moments. Thank you. Can’t wait to read the rest of it. (Elaine)
Anandi’s unique voice joins other authors as they share their stories.
After I read two further stories by Michelle Kulp and Adriana Monique Alvarez, co-authors behind the anthology, I knew I was in for some deeply inspiring letters about how they, too, turned adversity into success in their lives.
A quick insight from one reader:
I’ve started reading other chapters from my paperback…so good!!! Best advice! (Elaine)
Why not read it?
Within hours of being released the anthology hit best-seller lists! A few dollars for the kindle version is well worth the investment. And there’s a paperback version filled with 30 letters. Here’s a link to buy it, if it strikes a note within you.
Above, Anandi Sano and some of her peiec students celebrating the success of The Younger Self Letters. And looking forward to her own anthology, Beautiful You which was published later in 2021.
Beautiful You
Another book, well worth reading. It highlights personal journeys in healing energetically. “Beautiful You will leave you committed to never again diminish your light or limit the capacity of who you are. It shows us that we can have the ability to reclaim our voice, redefine our story, heal deeply, create the life we desire and step into a place of deep stillness and inner peace through the power of energy healing” quoted from Amazon where it is available.
If you would like to learn more about peiec energy medicine, you can check it out here.
My personal journey
More on my journey into inner healing may follow in future posts, if I am brave! I’ve written snippets here, here and here.
It’s a very intense and personal journey. I am certain, many, many people can and do attest to deep challenges when sharing their own story. I am gradually learning the value of sharing some of my story. Primarily I do so, as it may help someone, just one person, ‘out there’.
Sharing my journey resonates
I am encouraged, recently, through an in-depth discussion with a wonderful peiec energy healer whose energetic work in healing and insights blow me away. It is always a joy to journey through this life with others who ‘get it’ and with whom we can openly share, heart to heart, soul to soul.
Self help is important to be encouraged ☺️
So true!